Explore the world of Law and Finance - simplified for your ease
Laws and money govern all of our lives. So, why stay in the dark about these important aspects of our world? Here at D&L, we break down the latest in the world of law and finance to help you find success in your judicial and actuary endeavors!
A bit of Andrew
The polyglot Andrew Davis is a legal consultant providing the key to success for budding legal minds and laypeople alike…
A bit of Paul
The numbers guy Paul Leonard is all about the world of legal finance, using his specific expertise to make complex ideas simple for readers…
The world helps those who help themselves,
so help yourself to these easy bits of wisdom
All that you need to navigate the world of regulations, permits, supply chain, labor and consumer rights, and so much more. Our job is here is to make your job easier…
All the best bits from the legal world — important ordinances, domestic and international laws, knowing your way around the judicial system, et al. Making law accessible one complicated word at a time.
All that is necessary for you to find success from a financial perspective. We crunch the numbers and break them down for you so that you can take better decisions, whether at work or in your personal life.
A little bit of Order
Although we’re not judges, nor do we have the authority, but here’s a little order for you. A list of our blogs in neat order.
About Us
Davis and Leonard are here to simplify the world of legal jargon and financial equations into understandable layspeak, giving you the power to take control of your own life.
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